Would you like to help cancer patients? Did you know prepaid fuel cards could help cancer patients get the treatment they need?
For example, cancer patients maybe at risk missing their important medical appointments because they cannot afford to buy fuel.
With the donated prepaid fuel cards, Cancer Society could assists cancer patients with transportation to and from cancer treatment center.
You can approach your local Cancer Society and present to them your idea. Maybe they can launch it as a new program in order to help cancer patients. Ask them to unveil this program to the public.
‘Fuel for Hope’, maybe the best name that suitable for this program. Start the program by contacting cancer survivors. Ask them to do some volunteers job or a donation (for those can afford). Usually cancer survivors won’t think twice. What they think is how they can give back.
List of Cancer Societies that you could approach (to name a few):
1. In Malaysia, http://www.cancer.org.my/
2. In UK, http://www.bgcs.org.uk/
3. In US, http://www.cancer.org/docroot/home/index.asp
4. In India, http://www.canceraidsocietyindia.org/
5. In Australia, http://www.cancer.org.au/Home.htm
6. In Canada, http://www.cancer.ca/
7. In Africa, http://www.cansa.org.za/cgi-bin/giga.cgi?c=1056
Natural Cancer Treatment, click HERE to learn

Help cancer patients today by donating prepaid fuel cards to the Cancer Society. May God bless you with your efforts.
c)2008 Copyright http://prepaid-fuel-cards.blogspot.com
1 comment:
It's really great to know that prepaid fuel cards could help cancer patients get the treatment they need. Thanks for sharing this informative read.
Fuel Cards
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